Family Fun: Science Activities for Kids

Science Activities for Kids

Do you want to do science activities with your kids but don’t have any idea of where to begin?

Don’t worry, I was in your shoes hating to figure out science fair projects and science activities. All this and my husband used to be a science teacher.

We’ve collected a plethora of science fun including both indoor activities and outdoor activities.

If you want to skip directly to the science activities for kids, click on the button that interests you.

nature study science science videos science experiments

Three Steps to Enjoying Science Activities with Your Kids

  1. Surrender to the activity.
    Go all in.  Don’t worry about what is next on the list of daily tasks.  Dive deep into whatever experiment for kids you have decided to try.
  2. Prepare yourself.
    Make your meal plan and your clean up strategy.
  3. Go simple.
    Start by drawing pictures of the nature in your backyard or watching a video together.

Some of the links in this article may be affiliate links.  See sidebar for explanation.

Nature/Environmental Study for Kids

Gardening is a great way to get involved in the earth.

Nature Journals

I love how The Art of Simple explains Nature Journaling.
Rhythms of Play gives a laundry list of ideas to keep a Nature Journal.
Nature Mentoring helps us to be successful with a Nature Journal.

Bird Watching

Audobon has a resource that makes it easy to get our children interested in watching birds.
Go Explore Nature has 9 Tips for Bird Watching with Kids.
Birdwatching is super excited to help you and your kids go watch birds.

Earth Day and Arbor Day Parties

Capturing Joy has a picture perfect Earth Day Party for us to try to copy. (Mine won’t look that good, so don’t worry if yours doesn’t either)
Elizabeth McKinney breaks down an Arbor Day Party into simple steps for us to hold for our neighborhood.
Rock Your Homeschool gives us a great list for all kinds of activities for an Arbor Day Party.

Exploration Videos for Kids

Check out these videos from Science Videos categorized for you.

Hands-On Science Experiments for Kids

Liz Heinecke is the Kitchen Pantry Scientist from the Twin Cities and has authored several respected science activity books for kids.


Kitchen science LabClick on image for more details Outdoor Science LabClick on image for more details Steam Science LabClick on image for more details

Star Wars Maker Lab: 20 Craft and Science Projects (coming out in July 2018)

Click on image for more details

Outdoor Science Activities

Make snakes out of bubbles that are rainbow colored.  Yeah, I think we can all get behind this. You can also try these bubble-tastic science experiments from The Kitchen Pantry Scientist.

Make a mess with sudsy eruptions.  This is for sure an outside activity.

The best kind of science experiments is a tasty one.  And making s’mores in the sun?  YES, please.

Indoor Science Activities

Edible Science



Mason Jar Ice Cream

Science Fair Ideas

I’m always looking for science fair ideas.  Mostly because I can’t think of  them myself.  I like to head over to Science Bob to get some inspiration.

Experiment Kits from Amazon with all the directions your need

Edible Candy

Combustion Experiments



Read More:

Family Fun: 7 Spots for Hands-on Science with Kids


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